
Amellia Auma Owuor

Small business owner, Kenya

Bboxx has transformed my life. Now my business have more sales and higher revenue due to longer light hours

Amellia Auma Owuor

Meet 57 years old Amelia Auma who has been a Bboxx client since 2017. Auma is a native of Siaya county, township location. She operates a local hotel and does outside catering.

Amelia is connected to the grid (KPLC) but decided to buy Bboxx light package after experiencing regular interruptions and power outages by KPLC.

Auma is very much grateful to Bboxx solar home system, she says she has never had any interruptions as used to happen when she solely relied on KPLC. She uses Bboxx solar home system to light her house and to help her school-going children study.

‘’As a businesswoman, I need a full-time light assurance….my customers need to feel comfortable and see what they eat’’. She decided to upgrade to two torches. Amelia says that the torch is very much helpful during nights as she uses it when carrying out outside catering in funerals.

Her motivation to buy Bboxx products was influenced by durability, flexibility in payment, and affordability of Bboxx products as was narrated to her by a friend. ’I was influenced by good stories I heard from a friend about Bboxx products’’.

Amelia says that Bboxx has transformed her life. Now her business has more sales and higher revenue due to longer light hours. She laments that there is more transparency in Bboxx, unlike the local grid whereby sometimes they bring some unreasonable bills which do not reflect customer’s usage.

Long live Bboxx.